Engaging teachers with your educational programs

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Engaging teachers with your educational programs

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Achieving cut through with your school marketing campaigns is tough and with a crowded curriculum, it is becoming increasingly difficult to encourage teachers to take up your programs and resources. Recently we discussed education marketing strategies and what teachers really want to hear in your marketing communications.

Please find below the videos of the presentations. We hope you enjoy them and that they spark some ideas.

How to reach and engage teachers and schools?

By Danielle Fletcher (Marketing & Strategy Director) & Roann Kettlewell (Marketing Account Manager)

Teacher Panel: What do they want to hear?

By Emily Thomson, Justine Beavis & Sara Kettlewell.

Teaching in a low socio-economic areas.

Understanding the challenges teachers and schools face and how your program can cater to different school needs. By Justine Beavis, Assistant Principal, Kingswood South Public School.

If you would like more hints and tips on marketing to teachers, how to engage them and how to plan your marketing campaign, get in touch with one of us at hello@kimberlineducation.com.au.

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